Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I had my first thesis review today (my presentation is here) so the past few days have been a bit crazy. For today I had some references to my work last semester, which dealt with day-lighting and offices, and some new stuff. I came up with three different schemes to show my professors, overall I think my review went well, I definitely got some good feedback and my professors are excited by my project. I just need to think more critically about what kind of light I want, the quality of that light, which spaces I want influenced by that light, how deep the day-lighting system is going to be, and I should add empirical data to my drawings. To do some of this I am learning how to use 3ds Max and how to use the program to get day-light information for each scheme and the Sears Tower for specific times of the day and year.

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