Monday, September 30, 2013

Over the weekend I prepared for my first thesis review on Wednesday. I prepared a short PDF presentation to discuss where I want to situate myself in biomimicry, a new thesis statement, and where I see myself going.  To do this I used four precedents: the Industrial Eco-Park at Kalundborg, Denmark, Eastgate Center in Harare, Zimbabwe, the Esplanade Theatre in Singapore, and Lotusan paint. In my presentation I am going to discuss how each function as biomimicry: the Industrial Eco-Park uses the principles of a mature ecosystem, namely using its own waste as a resource.
Eastgate functions the same way a termite mound does, by using the buoyancy of air, the heat generated by the occupants, and the way it releases the stale air to the outside.
The Esplanade Theatre mimic the shape and texture of the skin of the Durian plant and uses this as a sun-shading device to protect the interiors of the building from overheating.
Lotusan paint looks at how the lotus plant's leaves are self-cleaning because water runs off of them and cleans the leaves of dirt; the paint does the same thing with concrete and stucco.

After this research, my updated thesis is "By first looking at biological processes, which can then be applied to design, architecture can become more dynamic and sustainable." I see myself going down one of two routes with this project: either looking at a natural process (such as how squid can change the color and texture of their skin) and developing a responsive facade or by looking at different ecosystems and developing dynamic spaces based off those principals.

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