Monday, October 7, 2013

Since last time I've been looking at getting specific with a program and a site. I've decided that doing a prototype office floor. I decided on this because there are a lot of problems with offices, the employees don't really enjoys working in an office environment, they are they are pretty unsustainable. With this program it gives me an opportunity to focus on making a dynamic space and responsive facade that can be sustainable environmentally, economically, and socially. I started off by looking at a "typical" office space and seeing what spaces are needed for an office to function, then I looked at what people thought of the office that they work in and what improvements they would like to see made. Lastly I looked at an article comparing different office configurations and how they rank with job satisfaction and overall health, overall open offices of medium size ranked the worst while flexible offices ranked the best. Afterward I started looking for a site to begin with. The two parameters that I began with are that the site had to be a city and it had to have the same climate as Syracuse, with these two parameters I chose Chicago as my beginning site.

I now see myself beginning an analysis of the environment of Chicago, such as sun patterns, wind patterns, indigenous species, and different process of the natural world. After this I will apply these systems and process to the prototype office, then to make it more comprehensive I will choose another site of a different climate and tweak the prototype office to fit within those systems. Once I have these biomimetic offices, it will be easy to compare to a conventional office.

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